baulk meaning in telugu

Pronunciation of baulk

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baulk in Images  

baulk Definitions and meaning in English

  1. the area on a billiard table behind the balkline
  2. something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
  3. one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof
  1. refuse to comply

baulk Sentences in English

  1. वंचित करना  =  deprive
    They were baulked of their prey.

  2. ठिठकना  =  hesitate
    His parents baulked at the cost of the guitar he wanted.

  3. अड़ना  =  jib
    The horse baulked at the high hedge.(to be unwilling to do or become involved in sth because it is difficult, dangerous, unpleasant, expensive, etc

  4. बाधा डालना  =  prevent
    Baulk sb's plan.

Tags: baulked meaning in telugu, baulked ka matalab telugu me, telugu meaning of baulked, baulked meaning dictionary. baulked in telugu. Translation and meaning of baulked in English telugu dictionary. Provided by a free online English telugu picture dictionary.