enfranchisement meaning in gujrati

Pronunciation of enfranchisement

enfranchisement Synonyms

enfranchisement Antonyms

enfranchisement Definitions and meaning in English

  1. freedom from political subjugation or servitude
  2. a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)
  3. the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on

Tags: enfranchisement meaning in gujrati, enfranchisement ka matalab gujrati me, gujrati meaning of enfranchisement, enfranchisement meaning dictionary. enfranchisement in gujrati. Translation and meaning of enfranchisement in English gujrati dictionary. Provided by KitkatWords.com: a free online English gujrati picture dictionary.