advanced meaning in gujrati

Pronunciation of advance

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advance Definitions and meaning in English

  1. farther along in physical or mental development
  2. comparatively late in a course of development
  3. ahead of the times
  4. at a higher level in training or knowledge or skill
  5. ahead in development
  6. complex or intricate
  7. far along in time
  8. (of societies) highly developed especially in technology or industry
  9. situated ahead or going before
  10. ahead in position
  11. time
  12. manner

advance Sentences in English

  1. विकसित
    An advanced weapon system

  2. अग्रिम
    An advanced party

  3. प्रगतिशील
    Most advanced countries

  4. उन्नत
    The child's skeletal age was classified as 'advanced'.

  5. बढ़ा हुआ
    The illness had reached an advanced stage.

  6. आगे रखना  =  propose
    He advanced an argument./the article advances a new theory to explain changes in the climate.

Tags: advanced meaning in gujrati, advanced ka matalab gujrati me, gujrati meaning of advanced, advanced meaning dictionary. advanced in gujrati. Translation and meaning of advanced in English gujrati dictionary. Provided by a free online English gujrati picture dictionary.